Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Svetol Weight Loss

It is said that there could be a link between coffee consumption and a reduced risk of developing type 2 diabetes.

It was previously thought that it was the caffeine in coffee which was responsible for this effect. However, a recent US study of decaffeinated coffee consumption proves otherwise. Further research pointed to polyphenol substances called chlorogenic acids in coffee as being responsible. As a result, researchers develop a coffee bean extract rich in chlorogenic acids as a natural food supplement.

Green Coffee Svetol Weight LossHence from decaffeinated Robusta coffee beans or green coffee, the coffee bean extract called Svetol has been produced to contain chlorogenic acids. Although Svetol helps decrease high blood sugar levels after eating, it has also been found to promote weight loss due to the reduction in body mass index, weight and sweet cravings.

Weight loss: Svetol helps prevent excess glucose from being turned into fat

Svetol works by cutting down of the glucose absorption of your body, hence reducing carbohydrate and calorie intake. This means you will have less chance of turning excess glucose into fat.

Svetol helps to lose weight easily by inhibiting the activity of glucose-6-phosphatase enzyme. This means that energy is instead drawn from fat deposits thus weight loss will be faster.

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