There are some tests done on the effectiveness of Svetol. Here are 2 of such Svetol tests:
Dr. E.Thom's Trial
In a research in 2005, Dr. E.Thom trialled on Svetol in Norway with 50 people. Svetol was compared with a calorie controlled diet over a period of 60 days.
There were two separate groups, 30 using Svetol and 20 using a placebo.
Those using Svetol lost an average of 5kg (11lbs), more than 2 times the amount of weight compared to those on the same diet but without Svetol, who lost only an average of 2.4kg (5.2lbs).
Phytotherapie Medical Journal
In a study in 2006 by O.Dellalibera, B.Lemaire, S. Lafay, arandomised placebo study on 50 people over a period of 60 days in the Antonio e Margherita Hospital in Tortona, Italy.
These studies were carried out on an age group between 19 and 75. The study resulted in Svetol having a slimming action for a period of 60 days, compared to those that were supplemented with a placebo.
The group that took Svetol lost an average of 4.9kg. The group that took a placebo lost only 2.45kg.
Hence from these two medical trial and research, it goes to show that Svetol, or products that contain svetol ingredient, helps in losing weight faster.