Thursday, April 8, 2010

Svetol in Green Coffee

Svetol is an extract of decaffeinated green coffee, it induces weight loss while reducing body fat and increasing lean body mass of your body.

The results of Svetol demonstrate its ability through better use of fats and prevent their accumulation.

It is rich in active constituents.

This gives the Svetol from coffee beans (Robusta), not roasted, its composition is unique and has been patented it gives an efficiency that has been clinically proven. It also guarantees the absence of certain molecules which cafestol and kahweol that the scientific consensus on their proven adverse effects on health, especially among heavy coffee drinkers.

Its special composition has been carefully studied reflecting identification of the increased presence of chlorogenic acids, natural components concentrated in the Svetol. These acids are present in a wide variety of foods we take daily, and their benefits have been demonstrated in several clinical studies.